A moderately heated studio is a good thing when practicing yoga!

We have infrared, radiant heating panels in both of our studios, and the heat mimics warm sunshine on your skin. No forced air, no humidity, and we love it!

Our power vinyasa, power down, and slow burn classes are the “hot” classes. Slow flow, stretch and release, and basics are instructed “warm”, but not “hot”.

Why Heat?

  • Our infrared heating panels provide an evenly distributed form of heat…think of being warmed by the sunshine, versus breathing in hot air.

  • Our heat is a cleaner and healthier heat for all practitioners, especially for those with sensitivities and/or allergies.

  • Heat softens the tissues and prepares your muscles for something you may not be able to create in a cool practice room.

Be Prepared!

  • If you tend to perspire a lot, bring a yoga towel and/or a hand towel from home.

  • Bring your water to class!  Prepare for class by drinking water, electrolytes, fruits, or fresh juices.

  • The more hydrated you are, the better your body will perform.

Benefits and Outcomes